7:00 am in the morning; sorry Rebecca ;your cute, but I had no plans to wake up that early..
'hello! Morning Doc…where are you?'
Don't mean to be superstitious or anything but waking up to that voice is always bad!
'Ah You're home.. Great..so you have nothing to do today ..come to the hospital'
'Its my off day Zaid'
'I know, I'm sorry but we're two doctors short today'
'Hello !?still there ?'
8:00 am
'Hey Danya ,where are you ?'
'Hey there Doc, I'm home'
'WHAT ?'
'I'm just about to leave now Safa ,relax, zaid had just called and ..did anything happen?
'Yeah ..its Dr.Muth there is a patient in….bla bla'
'on ma way'
8:00 pm
'hellllooo doc Aren’t you hungry?! Come to the canteen ,my recess is almost done ,hurry up I dont want to eat alone'
'Safa! Are you in the hospital !? Your duty was yesterday'
'So was yours darlin'
'I'll leave the floors in a minute… wait for me'
3:00 am
'I want you to leave the ER now'
well it was 3 am…someone is telling me to leave my duty .. Theoretically I should've jumped with joy but I didn't. I was too shocked to react this way…see this is not the way things are happening around here … by default, senior doctors use you whenever they can..
'This is beyond discussion,I want you back in 3 hours '
I genuinely wanted to drop the thing off my mind but what he did was so odd that I couldn’t sleep at all..
6:00 am
Do you want to know why I asked you to leave?
'The ER didn’t look safe to me'
'hmm ok '
though I couldn't get it ,I was too tired to argue..that I just agreed with whatever he was saying ...
though I couldn't get it ,I was too tired to argue..that I just agreed with whatever he was saying ...
8:00 am
'Are you coming home today?'
'Yes I am' and this time I'm switching my mobile off ;)
You know what you should write dialogues .You are too good in this stuff :).