Friday, July 26, 2013

Ramadan Diary

Hey again  !
Twice in one day that's so not me :P 

So since its Day 17 of Ramadan and I dont  think I am doing exceptionally great so far , I've decided to take things under control and start manage my time better ( not sure how blogging about it will help but I am blogging anyways !)

where am I so far ?
The last time I read it was like 2 weeks ago ! not so impressive

Amr Khaled  'The story of Islam in Spain' following his program online is one of my achievement !
great , inspirational (thumbs up)

I am so far behind in my exam preparation (embarrassingly behind) 
 Ahmed Shugairi 'Reflections 9.0' a program about activism and community commitment 'thumbs up'

'Arabs in America' a good thing about watching it on youtube is you get the chance to skip the cheesy parts of it but its good ,  Egyptian flavored (maybe too many of them but I cant complain its alright)   
My final Rota assessment is next week and the preparation is not that great ... 

One thing to add;  my broken leg is not a good enough excuse for not being on top of things especially that I am on a sick leave now and  totally pampered by my family ( I do nothing well other than chilling :D)

Alright so 60 minutes youtube ( which is never the case 'cause I always end up watching a small video here and a small video there ! ) plus chatting , surfing randomly online ..its out of control I have to admit :)

I dont have enough time to continue doing this anymore ...I need to prioritize my list to do and focus more ..
actually I ll leave you guys for now and start my time blocking 

cheers !

Surviving a broken leg

Hey there world ! 

Its been a while .. maybe because I am a bit caught up with the preparation for a test I want to sit this September ( Its not going great by the way !) and I currently don't have a 24 hour internet access ( I think anything less than 24 is a nightmare) which is a bit funny because when I was in Iraq , I always had one . Now that I am in the UK ..! what can I tell you ?!( well.. you have to start somewhere)  

So this Ramadan isn't exactly my bestest ! I broke my leg :/ how ? I tripped ( with my own legs !)
 and no I wasn't drunk ( I don't drink and its Ramadan! how could you think that :P)...

Simple things become daunting when you can not walk ! I made a huge mistake by telling my mum who once knew she decided to book a flight and come over ..thankfully I manage to convince her it isnt necessary. Same day few hours later (thanks to her of course), my phone didn't stop ringing as she managed to tell everyone she knows...
That same afternoon, after spending a good ten minute journey from my bed to the apartment door ..I was a bit taken back to see my aunt on my door step ( she lives a good one hour away and shes never visited me before)
'Yalla pack and lets go '
'Yalla yalla ..'
because I wasn't really sure how use those crutches ...guess what! I tripped one more time ..I know !
I ll leave you now ..

have a nice day