Friday, July 26, 2013

Ramadan Diary

Hey again  !
Twice in one day that's so not me :P 

So since its Day 17 of Ramadan and I dont  think I am doing exceptionally great so far , I've decided to take things under control and start manage my time better ( not sure how blogging about it will help but I am blogging anyways !)

where am I so far ?
The last time I read it was like 2 weeks ago ! not so impressive

Amr Khaled  'The story of Islam in Spain' following his program online is one of my achievement !
great , inspirational (thumbs up)

I am so far behind in my exam preparation (embarrassingly behind) 
 Ahmed Shugairi 'Reflections 9.0' a program about activism and community commitment 'thumbs up'

'Arabs in America' a good thing about watching it on youtube is you get the chance to skip the cheesy parts of it but its good ,  Egyptian flavored (maybe too many of them but I cant complain its alright)   
My final Rota assessment is next week and the preparation is not that great ... 

One thing to add;  my broken leg is not a good enough excuse for not being on top of things especially that I am on a sick leave now and  totally pampered by my family ( I do nothing well other than chilling :D)

Alright so 60 minutes youtube ( which is never the case 'cause I always end up watching a small video here and a small video there ! ) plus chatting , surfing randomly online ..its out of control I have to admit :)

I dont have enough time to continue doing this anymore ...I need to prioritize my list to do and focus more ..
actually I ll leave you guys for now and start my time blocking 

cheers !