Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Back to London

Eid is over .My flight back to London is in few hours .I have spent some amazing time in the city I was born and raised in .I was surrounded by so much love and pride by people I had no idea they felt that way for me before now. Though,I wasn't particularly keen on the idea of visiting Baghdad before December, now it happened I have no regrets at all . In fact , I truly think (apart from what this visit did to my bank account) , I absolutely needed it .

After spending quite some time in the UK, I was kind of lost ..not literally ( though I m notoriously known of getting lost  but lets save this story for another time perhaps ).I don't enjoy dodging explosives in the streets of Baghdad but I discovered that I secretly like how it makes me appreciate life more. And suddenly all the frustrations of my current life in London seem irrelevant ,dull and empty . 

After being bullied at work , losing people I truly cared about and not particularly making the progress I aspired in regards of my higher education. 2013 in the UK hasn't been so nice to me so far . 

It is not that I haven't been discriminated against in the past and being an Iraqi I'd seen people I cared about getting killed or losing their senses after losing a family member or a loved one . And I certainly had my moments of uncertainly regarding my work and studies before I settled in the UK .

These few days in Baghdad have helped me understand the reason why the younger , less experienced me had faced challenges far more distressing yet managed to get the best out of it and did not feel as helpless as the older 'wiser!' me who is living in a safer, better place now . The answer is simple yet magical  its ' family and friends' 

And though I hadn't lost them but long distance relationships are not always as good and for me they are bound to failure. I have never been good at getting back to people and social networking isn't particularly my thing. I think I had survived before largely because of who I was surrounded by at the time . 

I am absolutely determined to turn things around now  I m reminded that I have been though far worse circumstances and I have done marvelously. I know I have people who love and support me no matter where I go .
Until next time ..keep smiling best friends x

my favorite mug 

I felt great when I saw my graduation photo still in place together with my sister's and my brother's
after my bedroom being turned into a utility room and absolutely everything I left in Baghdad given to charity (for Baraka!)

CCTV in the living room ..I believe its being normalized in Baghdad , no longer  big news to civilians !
you ought to take responsibility of your own safety 

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