‘Apologies for
this uber late reply! It’s been a busy week … I’ll write a proper msg ASAP I
After more
than a week, this is all what I wrote to my colleague who is patiently waiting
for some info ! Sounds familiar! Read along :)
I ,like most of you, would love to be an over-achiever! Someone says,
“achieve,” and we jump right to it. We live in a time that cheers multi-tasking
(I bet you are reading this blog whilst listening to and /watching something
else at once!). I cram lists of things I want to do. Then each project becomes
a collection of to-do items. Not long afterwards, I’ll cram more to-do items
than there are explosions in Baghdad —and Baghdad has a lot of explosions trust
me on this one.
your/my to-do list is far more manageable than Iraqi politics. Here is what Steven Covey said on prioritising your tasks.
He is the author of 7 Habits of
Highly Effective People.
Urgency and Importance Are Different
Covey noticed that we decide a to-do is high priority in two different ways.
The first is where delay is not an option aka its urgent. Other to-dos become
high priority because they’re important. I cant think of examples right now but
you got the idea.
Prioritize Using an Urgent/Important Grid
Make your
life easier with a 2x2 grid. When setting priorities, decide which quadrant
your activity belongs in. Then use the quadrant to prioritize the activity.
Not Urgent
Not Important
Quadrant I: OMG!
I contains the urgent and important. It’s the quadrant of
Omigosh-hand-me-the-fire-extinguisher. This stuff needs doing, and it needs
doing now. Your top priority will be quadrant I activities.
Quadrant II: Awesome
II contains the important-but-not-urgent. It’s the quadrant of Becoming
Awesome. Most of the things we need to do to become awesome are important, but
not urgent. Typical activities that belong in quadrant II would include doing
long-term planning, taking classes, spending time with family. we need to aim
to make most of our tasks lie in this quadrant .
Quadrant III: Social Media
III is the quadrant of temptation. These are things that aren’t important, but
they sure are urgent. Doing things that
are urgent-but-not-important gives us an adrenaline shot, makes us feel productive,
but is actually a waste of time.
Quadrant IV: Time Wasters
The final
quadrant is the you-know-better quadrant. This is stuff that’s
neither urgent nor important.
Look over
your to-do list today. Note the quadrant each item falls into. Make your top
priorities your quadrant I activities, and do your best to toss in a quadrant
II activity. Say goodbye to anything in quadrants III or IV.
You owe
it to yourself to spend your time doing the things that matter!
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