Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Eid Resolutions

If you know that Ramadan to me is what Christmas time is to most people here ,so you would probably understand why I have this annual ritual of creating a list of resolutions just as its about to end and with the beginning of Eid . It's practically like new year resolutions as I have never had actually given the new year thing any seriousness.
Ok enough talking ! There are so many on that list I thought I share a couple of them with you here :P

  • I watched this video a while back ..And I have decided to give it a try .Almost a week down the line and I m telling you its amazing how being less clingy to my phone , has offered me so far ..Its magical ; smart phone out of your reach for few hours a day, you will be naturally more social   ..Yeah granted given the norms here I came across as a bit strange to a few but people generally appreciate it a lot. This is definitely staying on the list ..Enjoy trying it out ..

  • No mirror challenge ; this one has to be the most difficult ;regardless of how down I think of therapists I decided to follow this advice as things hasn't been exactly quite orthodox for me lately !As this was the least  relaxing month I had since last Ramadan. I thought I might try this ! no kidding when faced with cross roads and asked to be more decisive about quite few things at once, I can't see how this can be within the comfort zone of anyone  .
  • My new make up kit ;yes its water! and some vegetable mask that I have to keep in the fridge!:@ 

Mirrors covered!
Anyways ; NO mirrors for a month .Ladies have you ever tried a no mirror make-up challenge! I m obsessed with mirrors and because I was so stressed and sick most of this month I truly think I look like 20 times my age ( not practically possible but you get my point ) with weird looking rashes and acne and stuff -not impressive- so no mirrors , no chemicals on my skin or in my body , organic all the way through for a month. Its been only 3 days since I started but It feels like ages ! It's ok when you're working but when you're out and about  man mirrors are everywhere ! I peeked through one quickly today o_O but I still think its doable and I m truly excited .I think its helping (maybe not!) I ll definitely keep you posted. 

no cheating

And until next time you keep smiling best friends .

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